Graston Technique

Graston Technique is an instrument-assisted soft tissue technique designed to break up scar tissue accelerating the healing process.  The instruments allow the clinician to effectively identify and treat adhesions or fibrotic areas in the tissue that affect normal function and create the sensation of pain.

How does it work?

Normally, muscle fibers run in a parallel elongated pattern.  However, when injured, the body sends scar tissue to the area to bind up the damaged fibers resulting in a “patch” of fibrosis in a disorganized fashion.  This can restrict motion, increase pain, and prevent normal tissue functioning. Graston Technique works by breaking down the collagen cross-links in the connective and muscle tissue allowing the fibers of the treated area to stretch.

Are there any side effects?

Graston Technique can be tender when used in treatment depending on the location and stage of injury.  Patients normally will feel an immediate increase in active and passive range of motions.  However, bruising can sometimes occur post-treatment due to the increase in blood flow to the injured tissue.  This is a common response and part of the healing process as the damaged site frequently has become hypoxic (inadequate supply of oxygenated blood).  Graston helps restore the normal vascular rate and function to and from the injured tissue.

Is Graston Technique Successful?

Graston Technique has shown to have positive results between 75-90% of conditions treated including acute and chronic injuries, as well as post-surgical rehabilitation.

Below is a table of common conditions and the associated success rate with Graston Technique treatment:

 Injury Average
# of Treatments
less than 70%
Success Rate
 Achilles Tendinitis 8 4 73 15 0 8 92
 Ankle Sprain 8 6 52 24 6 12 82
 Plantar Fasciitis 7 2 44 24 11 19 70
 Patella Femoral Syndrome 11 5 42 24 24 5 71
 Cervical Pain 11 4 49 29 13 5 82
 Low Back Pain 11 8 44 35 6 7 87
 Fibromyalgia 10 6 31 44 6 13 81
 Hip Pain 9 8 30 50 4 8 88
 Hamstring Strain 8 12 58 12 12 6 82
 ITB Tendinitis 7 0 64 18 9 9 82
 Lat Epicondylitis 10 15 44 31 4 6 90
 Med Epicondylitis 8 13 27 20 7 33 60
 Rotator Cuff Tendinitis 9 14 40 38 3 5 92
 Adhesive Capsulitis 15 0 18 55 18 9 73
 Carpal Tunnel Syndrome 8 5 60 21 9 5 86
 Wrist Tendinitis 7 13 46 33 4 4 92
 Scar Pain 9 0 46 8 38 8 54
 * = Median # of treatments
Success Rate: Percentage of Resolution equates to attaining the patient/clinician goals of
           1) increase in function
           2) decrease in pain.

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